Angelina Jolie is the hottest Yoga celebrity.

Angelina Jolie has won the Hottest yoga celebrity contest conducted by company spokesperson said: “There are so many good looking celebrities out there. But a lot of them are messed up on the inside. However, a few celebrities seem to have it all - with good looks, great health and the right attitude. So what we're doing with the first edition of this contest is to identify and reward the right kind of behavior and lifestyle among the stars. By doing this, people will focus more on copying and emulating such stars (who practice yoga and seek a balanced life) rather than by copying the hard-drinking, temper-throwing, drug-swallowing celebs that so many people idolize these days.”

Jolie won over Carmen Electra, Eva Longoria, Halle Berry, Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Mariah Carey and Nicole Kidman who also happen to practice yoga.