Blonde AmbitionHere is something
Paris Hilton would be definitely feeling proud off !!
A hardcore sex tape of Americas super blonde
Marilyn Monroe has been sold for a whooping
$1.5 million,the NY post reports.A copy of the 15 minutes tape which has been has been lying in the FBI files for four decades reportedly shows Monroe giving oral sex to an unknown man.According to Keya Morgan, the well-known memorabilia collector the sex tape has been bought by a New York businessman for the specified amount.
The nypost quotes:
"The silent black-and-white flick shows Monroe on her knees in front of a man whose face is just out of the shot.He never moves into the shot, indicating that he knew the camera was there, but Monroe never looks at the lens, said Morgan, who saw the footage."
"The footage appears to have been shot in the 1950s. When it came to light in the mid-'60s, then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had his agents spend two weeks futilely trying to prove that Monroe's sex partner was either
John F. Kennedy or
Robert F. Kennedy."
Is this Marilyn Monroe sex tape? [Screenshots]
In case you missed... : Check out Marilyn Monroe at 19.