being dumped by her lawyer
Britney Spears is now set to loose her two of her sons.Fox news reported that a court has ordered
Kevin Federline to take custody of the couples children.The singer has been alleged of taking drugs in front of her children.As per the latest developments Britney's bodygaurd
Tony Barretto, whom she sacked for not picking up her bag has been turned away from the court.The bodyguard has made claims that the he saw Britney
walking naked in front of his sons and revealing about her use of drugs in front of the children.Barretto’s lawyer,
Gloria Allred, said he was "prepared to testify on issues of nudity by Ms Spears, drug use and safety issues involving the children post-rehab".
Tony Barretto’s lawyer Gloria Allred speaks.
Britney Spears bodyguard-Tony Barretto