How much are celebrities spending on Presidential elections ?

Here are the figures of how much has the celebrities donated to the presidential elections till now as revealed by the Huffington post on Fundrace 2008.

- Ron Meyer has given $3,300 to Obama,$2300 to Dodd, $2300 to Clinton and $1000 to both Edwards and Richardson.
- George Clooney has given $2300 to Obama.
- Brad Pitt's agent Bryan Lourd has given $2300 to Obama.
- Michael Douglas has given $4600 each to Clinton, Obama, Richardson and Dodd.
- Steven Spielberg has given $2300 to Obama, Clinton, Edwards and Richardson.
- Brett Ratner has given $4600 to Clinton and Edwards.
- Halle Berry has given $2300 to Obama.
- Paul Haggis,writer&director of 'Crash' has given $2100 to Dennis Kucinich.
- Marla Maples,Donald Trump's has give $2000 to Clinton.
- Barbra Streisand has given $2300 to Obama, Edwards and Clinton.
- Don Henley has given $4600 to Clinton and Obama.
- Paul Simon has given $4600 to Dodd.

Also Check Celebrity big bucks.