Update of "Clay Aiken's onboard squabble"

Here is an update of 'Clay Aiken's on board squabble'.Chexy,a Glitzy bits reader was present at the event and this is what he says.In his own words...
This is what really happened.

"Ok guys....I was in a meet and greet with him tonight before the concert......Clay told us exactly what happened and he was asleep...he's a tall guy and his foot accidentally touched her armrest...He didn't even hear her talking to him until she began screaming at him, at which point he pulled up his visor and she started swinging... she hit him 3 or 4 times and being the gentleman that he is he did not swing back......He was not hurt......but man was he pissed......one of our other Oklahoma fans was sitting across the aisle from him and was a witness to this
woman's personal attack ."

1 comment:

Cyanide said...

He was asleep when that passenger started hitting him. The AP story left out that pertinent bit of truth. It changes everything then doesn't it? Anyway Clay just blogged:

07/09/07 : Slow news day...
Well, I think the title of this blog is QUITE an understatement!
Never mind the children of Afghanistan, who got ZERO help from the media after UNICEF appealed for interest in that story.
Thank God for Entertainment Tonight! They were the only major outlet at all to care about the needs of those kids!
If I were the desperate and threatened children of northern Uganda, who also have gotten almost no attention from the press (again, with the same exception of ET), I would be upset and dismayed that a stupid celebrity non-story is the top story on most news sites today. Meanwhile, at this very moment in northern Uganda, over forty thousand children are sleeping in city streets to protect themselves from being raped and tortured, yet no one mentions them.
Then again, as much as the media seems to screw up the actual facts in a situation, maybe they're better off anyway.

Current Mood: Confused